Saturday, June 9, 2007

Just day in the police state.

Suddenly I find myself flying more often. Before, I did it only one or twice a year. Lately, it's been once or twice a month.

And in a way, it's good for me. Flying keeps me in touch with the dreadful state of our country. And in a way, it's bad for me. It feeds that choleric wrath that I'm always fighting. Going through airport security, getting groped and dyhydrated by the TSA goons, arguing whether my little plastic baggie is a quart or more, and whether my hair gel is hair gel (it's freakin' hair gel you two-bit martinet!!!) or making my take off my jacket and shoes like I'm some @#($*&# prison all keeps the state of our country in focus.

First it keeps it obvious that we live in a police state. The men behind the curtain (the CIA? Mossad? The lodges? Aren't they all one and the same?) come up with pretext after pretext to box us in, make weaken our sense of liberty, to control us. It's been going on....let's see....since that reprehensible bastard Abraham Lincoln, set out to "save the Union by destroying it." (I'm sure there's an earlier case to be made against Alex Hamilton and friends, but you get the point).

And second, and worse, it makes it obvious that we will continue to live in a police state. As I work my way through the gauntlet, I watch other travelers blithely submit to being treated like cattle, and I see them look askance at me as I object to it and speak to the TSA goons as they deserve to be spoken to. Those other travelers are so @$(*% worried that some Arab (who's justifiably pissed off that we're over there killing their friends in Palestine through our proxies) might bring 5-1/2 ounces of Sterno in his hair gel tube, or that he might light a black cat in his shoe heel, or that he might break into the cockpit and give the pilot a pedicure with his nail clippers, that they don't recognize the real enemy. The real enemy isn't some Koran-toting towel-head. The fact of the matter is that if you're someone worthy of being an American, you've got more in common with that "terrorist" that you do with the TV-watching dolts you're standing in line with, or the vermin in the TSA uniforms who are about to make you undress, grab your crotch, and pour your coffee out.

At least the "terrorist" believes there's something bigger than him...something worth living for, and worth dying for...something more important than his own comfort. Sure, he's wrong about the particulars, in a very tragic way. He's worshipping a false God, or at least a false understanding of God. He's directing his efforts against innocents, rather than the guilty folks (which is no better than the Mossad/CIA/AOFM method). But he believes in something bigger than himself. Not so your fellow traveller. Not so your TSA goon. All the former cares about is his own physical and emotional comfort--being entertained, being told he's safe. All the latter cares about is that sense of power he must get by being an instrument of the almighty state.

The real enemy is within. The real enemy is the the government and its bank stoolies that track every significant financial transaction you make. The real enemy is the goverment and the thugs that can detain you on a whim, prevent you from traveling around the country without being monitored. The real enemy is the government that can freeze your bank accounts without cause, can take your property away from you so some &^%$ can build a car dealership or open another PF Chang's or a furniture store, can take your children away from you because you refuse to submit them to the Brave New World in education, can keep you from smoking in your own building, and can (and does) expropriate 40% or more of your income and 1-2% of the value of your real property every year.

So to the two bit-TSA moron who thinks his service to the federal government in Iraq exempts him from the laws of civility and obliges me to thank him for being an ass: Hey $@#*, it's none of your !#$& business who I am, or where I'm going, or what I'm drinking, or what I put in my hair, so just #$*&$% your #$%$% in @#@#*!. And no, I'm not worried about my safety or yours, and I don't want your @!#$% protection, so why don't you go out on the tarmac and get yourself sucked into a running jet engine!

And to all of you who are happy you're being "protected" from the natural consequences of the federal government's (your federal goverment, they tell us) meddling in other people's business and its funding of the Zionist experiment, if you want to be treated like a slave, move to China, and let those few of us who still value our liberty continue to enjoy our liberty.

And for those of you who are as angry as I am, let me know who you are. I'm thinking of a bumper sticker, or some sort of campaign to wake people up. Here's a draft, open to your suggestions for improvement. How many can we get on cars?