Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sisters of Selma?

Well, that's nice that you went to hang out with all the white hippies who wanted to be seen with MLK "where the action was" in Selma back in the Sixties. You were politically correct before the term even came into existence? And modern? No nun is more modern than you.

But one question....

...has your first focus all these years been on saving souls, or on a worldly political agenda? While other nuns who hadn't kicked the habit were teaching children their Catechism, or nursing the terminally ill to a holy death, or praying and fasting for the salvation of those lost hippie souls you were schmoozing with, what were you doing, other than shouting slogans?


Anonymous said...

Sir, for all I know, they may have thought they WERE saving souls by engaging in worldly political agendas like that one.

Alas, how Satan can deceive even the brides of Christ with such tripe.

Slackjawed Trad said...

Yeah, probably, and even now, when the people who they stood with have gone on to promote institutional buggery, abortion, and all such manner of wickendess, spreading the "errors of Russia" that Our Lady warned us about at Fatima...even now they still think they were.

Dust I Am said...

Unfortunately, the civil rights movement contributed new "stations of the cross" at the Catholic school where our children attended. The new stations of the late 60s substituted pictures of Jesus and Calvary with pictures of white policemen beating black people in Selma. My husband and I decided to change parishes and schools--smartest decision we ever made.